In this program, master filmmakers who have led the innovations in the aesthetics of documentary filmmaking speak of their own philosophies, visions, and the secrets behind their works.
£ªThe Suit + Master Class: The session is provided with simultaneous interpretation in Korean and English.
£ª Drawing Master Class: Heinz Emigholz¡¯s Drawing Workshop:
- This session is provided with consecutive interpretation. (Korean and English)
- This session runs for 90 minutes without screening.
Docs Talk features entertaining and insightful discussions on documentaries with popular culture professionals. These sessions offer diverse perspectives on documentary-related topics, creating a space for light-hearted yet engaging conversations.
£ªDocs Talk runs for 60 minutes after the screening.
£ªPreemptive Listening: This session is provided with consecutive interpretation. (Korean and English)
In this program, we invite experts including documentary filmmakers, professors, researchers, and festival organizers to deliver in-depth lectures on various topics. These sessions aim to stimulate discourse on documentaries and discuss future challenges in the field. Docs Class provides a platform for engaging with industry professionals, fostering critical thinking, and exploring the evolving landscape of documentary filmmaking.
£ªDocs Class runs for 60-90 minutes after the screening.
£ªDo You Want to See Part Two? : This session is provided with consecutive interpretation. (Korean and English)