Korean Premiere
The son of a famous Nazi filmmaker shoots a movie and meets the former city commander of Vilna, a man who ordered the killing of many thousands of people. The film is a documentary made during the shooting of Thomas Harlan's Wundkanal(1985)
Director Thomas Harlan confessed that he had failed to distance himself from his anger, casting the real Nazi war criminal Alfred Filbert in Wundkanal (1985), his feature film accusing the Nazi genocide, and later he tried to destroy the film. In fact, the process of making it could be viewed as an abuse of the Nazi war criminal who had already become an elderly person. The staffs of this film, who were the actual survivors of the Jewish Holocaust, confess that they agonized between the anger at the Nazi war criminal and the sympathy for this fragile old man excited about shooting his lead role in the film and that this experience has remained a trauma for a long time. Our Nazi directed by Robert Kramer is a behind-the-scenes documentary of Wundkanal that follows the entire filmmaking process. Like Perseus who needs a shield of Athens reflecting her appearance to avoid becoming a fossil when facing Medusa, Kramer takes a portrait of a Nazi who still lives without guilt and the image of the people who looked at him, through the camera illustrating Harlan's filmmaking process. [CHO Myoungjin]
Route One USA (1989)
Guns (1980)
As Fast as You Can (1982)