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15th DMZ Docs(2023)


Sea of Transition


  • Korea
  • 2022
  • 11min
  • 12 +
  • DCP
  • color

World Premiere


Ulsan is a well-known industrial city in Korea. Ulsan's rise to metropolitan status was closely linked to its development as an industrial center. In its pre-industrial days, Ulsan was primarily defined by its expansive sea. Before its industrial transformation, the people of Ulsan lived by harvesting marine resources from the sea. Over time, this practice has continued, and the people of Ulsan continue to engage with the sea. The film aimed to capture the events that have unfolded over time in the waters of Ulsan. 


Sea of Transition covers a timely issue on the discharge of contaminated water from nuclear power plants and is composed with the idea of transition. Three time zones, including morning (7:00), afternoon (13:00), and evening (21:00), imply peace, conflict, and darkness, respectively. The combination of sound (music) and image and the contrapuntal of overlapping images move toward the unified topic. The sea providing the background of double-printed images is overlapped with the diving of female divers, the declaration saying ¡°Suga Yoshihide, Prime Minister of Japan, Drink Contaminated Water from Nuclear Power Plant,¡± and the huge presence of monsterlike nuclear facility to ask the validity of permutation and combination. ¡°Which images do you think match together?¡± 


  • JANG Hyun

    Born in Ulsan, Korea, Jang is a graduate student at the Department of Art Culture and Image at Pusan National University. Jang has directed short documentaries, namely Pyorang (2021) and Bosam (2021).
