Alex Gibney
This portrait of Washington super lobbyist Jack Abramoff confirms the adage that truth is indeed stranger than fiction. A tale of international intrigue with Indian casinos, Russian spies, Chinese sweatshops, and a mob-style killing in Miami, this is the story of the way money corrupts our political process. Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney once again wields the tools of his trade with the skill of a master Infuriating, yet undeniably fun to watch.
Alex Gibney
Alex Gibney (Writer, Director, Producer) wrote, directed and produced the 2008 Oscar¢ç-winning film and the 2006 Oscar¢ç-nominated film . Gibney¡¯s current state of projects include a feature documentary about Lance Armstrong for SONY Pictures, Casino JackandtheUnitedStatesofMoney(2010)
Distributor/World Sales Magnolia Pictures
Address 49 West 27th Street 7th Floor New York, New York 10001
Tel 1 212 924-6701
Fax 1 212 924-6742